As important as healthy skin and attractive contours are to your well-being, we know wellness is much more than your appearance. So, Resplendent Day Spa in Long Beach, California, also prioritizes services that bring out the best in your intimate relationships and sexual health and satisfaction. These services include Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWS) for Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
Also known as pulse wave therapy, AWT involves producing and applying low-intensity energy waves. When precisely delivered to target areas, this energy goes to work to create new blood vessels, encourage healthy blood flow and circulation, and repair damaged tissues. This fundamental aspect of AWT makes it a particular procedure. Our professionals have used this therapy to improve the appearance of cellulite dimples, contour flabby or saggy areas of the body, ease pain associated with an array of musculoskeletal conditions, and, yes, help men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction.
ED is a common condition that will affect half of all men at some point in their lives. It is associated with narrow blood vessels and a lack of blood flow to the penis. The result of this impaired blood flow is that affected men cannot achieve or maintain an erection. Due to the design of AWT therapy, these treatments increase blood flow, regenerate blood vessels, and stimulate the nerves to enhance sensation and stronger, longer-lasting erections.
First things first, this process is very well-tolerated. The energy delivered may be described as a mild tingling sensation and slight pressure or warmth. It should not be a source of significant pain. After we apply a gel to the penis, sound waves are delivered to the area with a wand-like device or applicator. These waves generate the energy that then helps to repair and regenerate tissues. The resulting boost to blood flow is also associated with improved penis size, length, and girth. You can be well on your way to an improved sex life and better intimate relationships in just 30 to 40 minutes and, typically, two treatment sessions performed each week for a total of six weeks.
Since AWT is not invasive, there is no downtime nor demands on your body and schedule for healing or after-care. Our clients also appreciate that there are no restrictions placed on sports, exercise, or even sexual activity afterward (though you may want to refrain from sex for 24 hours as there may be some mild redness and swelling at first). And some of our patients at Resplendent Day Spa get great results after just one treatment. Those results are generally sustained – for up to two years!
Our team is happy to fill in any gaps in your knowledge about ED treatment and welcomes any specific questions you may have about acoustic wave therapy. Call (562) 685-8050 to speak with one of our Long Beach, CA professionals today.